
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Best TV Shows to Watch

I’ve had this post planned for a very long time, and was going to do it during the writer’s strike, but it just never materialized. But now that summer is here, it’s time to pass on my vast knowledge of quality television that you may have missed out on over the years. Okay, maybe not vast, but I have watched my fair share of it.
So this is my list of the Top  Television Shows you should think of watching this summer. Those long, hot months get boring when there is nothing but reality TV on, and you might desire something good to watch.
This list has some shows that are still active that you might want to catch up on. But there are also great series that were canceled before their time, and others that just ended by normal means and tell a great story.
Either way, you wont be disappointed with any of them.
This list will undoubtedly leave off shows that you guys will think SHOULD be on it. I welcome you to leave your comments afterwards on how screwed up my selections are and how you would change it, or what you would add to it.
I am purposely not including any shows that came out this past year, because they just aren’t available on DVD yet. Reaper would be one I might add to this list if that were the case.
Enough babbling…let’s get to the good stuff.

Coupling (BBC)

Coupling is a BBC show that can make me cry from laughing too hard. It’s raunchy to say the least and it’s like the dirty version of Friends. You have six friends, three guys and three girls, and the show is all about their relationships…with each other and outsiders. It’s pretty much all about dating, sex, marriage and commitment. One of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen.
Here is a quote from a dinner party, where Steve has had enough of getting picked on about leaving a porn video in his VCR for his girlfriend to find.:
“I want to spend the rest of my life with the woman at the end of that table there, but that does not stop me wanting to see several thousand more naked bottoms before I die, because that’s what being a bloke is.  When man invented fire, he didn’t say, “Hey, let’s cook.”  He said, “Great, now we can see naked bottoms in the dark.”  As soon as Caxton invented the printing press, we were using it to make pictures of, hey, naked bottoms!  We have turned the Internet into an enormous international database of…you guessed it, naked bottoms.  So you see, the story of male achievement through the ages, feeble though it may have been, has been the story of our struggle to get a better look at your bottoms.”  ~Coupling, “Inferno,” original airdate 2 June 2000, written by Steven Moffat, spoken by the character Steve

Freaks and Geeks

Fraks and geeks
One of the very first things Judd Apatow did was this great comedy drama called Freaks and Geeks, which is about some kids in high school that are either…well…freaks or geeks. You get a few great names of actors that are still around, like James Franco (Spiderman), Seth Rogan (Knocked Up) and Jason Segal (Sarah Marshall).
If you love Apatow’s stuff, then you owe it to yourself to go back and watch this series. It only lasted one season, so it wont be that big a job to get through all the episodes. It’s not the dirty comedies he does now, but this show has a ton of heart and great characters. It’s set in the year 1980-81, which should appeal to some of you nostalgic, older folks. *grin*

Entourage (HBO)

One of the better shows I’ve seen on HBO, Entourage is about Vincent Chase, a young, hot star in Hollywood who has three buddies from their hometown of Queens as his “entourage.” They live with him, they party with him, and they have fun together like they were still back in New York.
While Adrian Griener who plays Vincent is awesome, this show is really about the supporting cast. Jeremy Piven won a Golden Globe for his role at Vincent’s agent, Ari Gold. He’s an absolute riot and seriously the best part of it. But Kevin Dillon, who is Vincent’s brother Johnny “Drama” Chase, is so fantastic, words can’t describe.
The episode are quick to get through being only a 30 minute show, which will allow you to catch up in time for season 5 sometime in 2009. Definitely an R-rated show, keep the kiddies away.

Veronica Mars

The name Veronica Mars just doesn’t sound like it would be awesome, but it is. This is where Kristin Bell got her start, who you’ve now seen in Heroes and Forgetting Sarah Marshall. She plays a highly intelligent high school girl who has learned all she knows from her single dad who is a great private investigator.
She uses her talents to help solve little mysteries at school, but that’s not where the beauty of the show lies. Each season contains an overall story arc from beginning to end that is one massive mystery which Veronica tries to figure out. Every week you find out a little more, you get a bit closer to the truth and each step along the way is a blast.
And if I haven’t said enough about Bell before, she’s the reason the show rocks. She’s hilarious, witty, smart and just perfect. The writing is top-notch with a ton of great pop culture references.
Definitely worth a watch. It was canceled after 3 seasons due to being subjected to the WB/CW’s poor ratings.

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (FX)

Always Sunny in Philadelphia is seriously one of the funniest shows ever. It’s bad…so very bad. The political incorrectness is off the charts, but it’s done so brilliantly you cannot help but die laughing. The writing so sick and twisted.
Here are some of the names of episodes: The Gang Gets Racist, Charlie Wants an Abortion, Charlie has Cancer, The Gang Finds a Dead Guy, Charlie Got Molested, Charlie Gets Crippled, etc., etc.
You get the idea. The cast is made up of three guys and one girl who run a bar in Philadelphia. I really don’t know what else to say other than if you can enjoy twisted humor, this is one of the best around.
And this is a good time to catch up as the show should be returning this fall for a 4th season.

Damages (FX)

Damages was a spectacular legal thriller last summer on FX. The wife and I were engrossed every week with brilliant acting and a 13-episode long story arc that kept you on your toes guessing until the final minute. Glenn Close and Ted Danson were awesome, but the rest of the supporting cast is worthy of a theatrical movie. I’m including it here because the DVD is already available.
The show has been renewed for a second season, but as with others, it wont be back until 2009, so now you can catch up on a short first season.