
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Katrina Bowden Named Sexiest Woman Alive

Katrina Bowden
Katrina Bowden Named Sexiest Woman Alive

Esquire magazine has announced that Katrina Bowden, star of the NBC show “30 Rock”, is the 2011 “Sexiest Woman Alive”.

To celebrate the event Esquire took a series of voyeuristic pictures of Katrina Bowden in various states of undress. These will allow their readers to feel as if they were hiding in Katrina Bowden’s closet masturbating while watching her change clothes, just biding their time while waiting to attack her. Needless to say they are very erotic.

However, naming anyone but Allah (or possibly Muhammad) the sexiest anything is blasphemy. Of course Allah is a man, and to suggest otherwise will get you stoned most righteously, but he should still be the default sexiest woman alive because he is just that handsome.

No matter how good Katrina Bowden looks in her underwear in these pics, she will never look as good as Allah does in his. That is just a fact and something the heathens at Esquire need to acknowledge immediately or face the wrath of Islam.