Monday, November 21, 2011

How To Add Alert pay Donate Us Button Easily

Many times I have read about a alertpay donate button. you know those button where the users can donate small amount 2 the site. But finding 1 is really tough. Paypal™ has a donate button, but you can donate only if you have a Paypal™ account. But everyone doesn't has a Paypal™ account.
So the other option is 2 allow people to use their credit-cards to donate. But to enable this feature you have to pay an excess of 20-25%. Now that is a real rip off.
Another option is Alertpay™, they allow credit-card transaction 4 free after a simple site verification. But the problem is they don't have a ready made donate button. So the option is to use a buy button as a donate button.
But now the problem is that the amount 4 a buy button is fixed (as you don't want the user to decide the amount for a purchase), but in case of a donation the user wishes to select the amount to donate.
Now I searched the net 4 sometime & finally found a code which allows the user to change the amount to donate as per their wish. But it had some problem, just a glitch as you can add any text in the text box. Now that is silly as no one would enter alphabet in that text box but Y take the risk so I found a script & modified the Code so that only positive integers can B entered in the text box.