Sunday, February 12, 2012

How to Import RSS feed into Facebook Fan Page

If you have a new Facebook Fan Page, you are probably wondering where the heck the import blog feature went.. Facebook now has it hidden in a tricky little spot.. (for those with existing Fan Pages, yours is still in the same spot, but new pages, without any ‘notes’, can’t see this feature straight up).

As of April 2010: I’m not sure how long it’s been this way, but it used to be a lot easier to find. And I’m not sure if Facebook will go and change it in the future either! But right now, this is how you can import your blog RSS feed into your Facebook Fan page.

Step 1.) Login to Facebook

Head over to and login.

Step 2.) Ads and Pages

Once logged in, click on Ads and Pages. If you have any ads going, it will start on the “ads” page, and you’ll need to click on pages again from the menu, otherwise, it should now give you a list of pages where you are an admin.

Step 3.) Edit Page

Click on “Edit Page” under the Fan page where you wish to import your RSS feed.

Step 4.) Notes

Now scroll down to the Notes application and click on Edit

Step 5.) Write a Note

If you have not written any notes yet on your Fan page, then you will not see the option to Import a blog. I’m going to assume that you haven’t written any notes, as otherwise, you probably wouldn’t be seeking this information in the first place. Click on the “Write a New Note” button.

Step 6.) Notes icon

Click on the little Notes icon as per image above.

Step 7.) Import a blog

You will now see the Import a blog option. Click on the Import a Blog option.

Step 8.) Type in Feed URL and Start Importing

Now type in your blog Feed URL (ie: , agree to the terms, and click on Start Importing. If you have a self-hosted Wordpress blog, you can also import a specific category of your blog, as I have done in the image above. Click on Start Importing.

Step 9.) Confirm Import

You should see a preview listing of all your blog posts – and if all looks well, click on Confirm Import.

Step 10.) Finished

You’ve now finished setting it up.

Final Result: Notes tab

Visit your Fan Page and click on the Notes tab. This tab will now automatically contain all the posts that it imported and any future notes you write to your blog (or category if you chose category feed).

Final Result: Wall tab

The home page (Wall tab) of your Fan Page will also get a copy of the new notes. Sweet hey! :)

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