Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Website Content Building

Having a website with good content is the key success factor in building an online business. To create a good web site that can attract huge traffic and high page views, you must focus a lot on the content. You must write something that can attract people's eyeballs and keep them coming back to visit your web pages.
Just take a look at those successful and famous website like Google, Yahoo!, CNN, MSN, Facebook and more, they provide all kinds of interesting stories, news, applications, games, utility programs and much more, and they attract billions of visitors. Because of high traffic, these websites, portals and search engines are valued at billions of dollars, and they actually generate billions of dollars out of advertising, subscription fees and other businesses.

To start writing your web site, first of all you must decide on your web site's topic or theme. In marketing, you call this a niche market. You should work on a niche market that is big enough and has the potential to generate sizable profit, as well as something you are good at. For instance, you can write something about programming, sports and games, travel, books review, astronomy, health, education, any hobby, and more. Next, you should conduct some research by gathering information from books, journal, the Internet and so on. After you have gathered enough information, you may now design the framework for your content and get the main topic and subtopics properly arranged.